
Many times, when traveling on your career journey, you may need resources to help you navigate. This resources section is created to help you do just that. Please visit this section often to obtain video resources and reading links. Also, feel free to visit my YouTube Channel.



There may be several college resources you have right at your fingertips and don’t realize. Some of those avenues are:

– Career Services Center
Your college or university’s Career Services Center can help you with many of your career questions or concerns. Contact or visit them to find out a list of services they provide. They are the department that is in contact with employers and can help students with setting up interviews and providing pertinent information around obtaining employment especially by holding campus career fairs. The center can also help provide assistance with resumes, cover letters, interviewing, etiquette, and networking. Once again, find out how your career services center can assist you as a current student and alumni.

Professional Organizations
Are you a member of an organization associated with your major and /or minor? If yes, that’s great! If no, why not? Getting involved is the perfect way to possibly get some one-on-one time with employers. How? Some organizations hold monthly member meetings. In those meetings, they sometimes have guest speakers from local businesses attend and share pertinent career field information – including around employment. It’s a great way to network with people in your field. Not only is it a great way to network, it looks great on your resume to be involved.

Many times, professors are connected to employers in the professional world. Have you ever made an appointment with your professors to discuss your career plans? If you haven’t, consider it. You never know who your professors know. Once again, as already stated, it’s a great way to network.


With social media being such a huge part of all our lives now, the possibilities are endless when it comes to job opportunities. LinkedIn is a great tool to use when looking for employment. In my article, What is Social Networking About?, I discuss networking as it pertains to social media. It is very important to maintain a positive social media circle around you – especially as you are looking for employment and networking.

In my article, The Importance of Professional Networking, I discuss how networking can play a huge part in obtaining a job – if done professionally. I also remind readers it’s quite amazing just how many people are in your network.  Review the list included in the article and begin by writing down everyone you know in the categories provided.

I wish you all the best in your career endeavors.


Do you need some advice about networking?

Contact us for a free initial consultation TODAY!